Lens 2

Tool 3.

Compensation and benefits policy

A compensation and benefits policy with a gender perspective must guarantee equal opportunities and treatment between women and men in any type of compensation, as well as include actions to eliminate wage inequality if it is identified through the use of indicators. . Companies must ensure that both salaries and benefits (commissions, bonuses, life insurance, health insurance or scholarships, to name a few possibilities) are awarded without discrimination between women and men.

Having a clear, documented policy based on job descriptions helps to avoid possible gender bias in the allocation of salaries. This tool consists of a compensation and benefits policy model, which companies can adapt according to their needs.


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Tool 3.

Goal and reach

Establish the bases on which the strategic management of compensation and benefits of the company is based, complying with the local regulations in each country, in order to guarantee that employees receive a remuneration whose internal comparative value is appropriate to the responsibilities of the position and, at the external competitiveness level, is aligned with the market median for that position, guaranteeing equal opportunities and treatment between women and men.

Applicable for all active personnel in all legal entities of the company.

Conceptual Framework

The analysis of the remuneration strategy depends on the following main factors:

  • Job description: consists of defining the mission, main responsibilities, level of autonomy and main knowledge, experiences and skills required in the position.
  • Position evaluation: allows determining the level of the position in the organization through an evaluative methodology.
  • Leveling with the market: determines the external competitiveness framework, through the participation and analysis of market survey values developed by prestigious compensation consultants.
  • Analysis and metrics: allows you to analyze and identify salary gaps in the same salary category, analyzing salaries according to levels, experience and performance. Likewise, distribution by sex in each country and organizational level is reviewed.

The processes included in the strategic management of compensation must be objective and subject to a methodology with high quality standards, which does not include biases in the analysis by sex, age, marital or marital status, ethnic origin, disability, orientation sexual, gender identity or any other possible variable of discrimination.

For this, the indicators are reviewed quarterly and thus guarantee equality:

  • Analysis of salary gap: in the same salary category, average salary of women / average salary of men * 100, the objective being less than 20% with a tendency to 0.
  • Relationship by sex of the company.
  • Proportion by sex of managerial positions.
  • Analysis of the distribution according to sex and age in each country.
  • Analysis of said dispersion according to organizational level.

If evidence is found that there is wage inequality, the company must take measures to correct it.

Legal Framework

In the event of a conflict between this policy and local legislation, the latter will prevail, prior communication to the global management of human resources and the global person responsible for payroll.


Compensation and benefits area:

Ensure that this policy is communicated, complied with and reflects the vision of the company, with gender equality in compensation and benefits.

Local HR leader 

Comply with and enforce the guidelines of this policy

Application Period

This policy is for the exclusive use of the company. Its application and interpretation is in charge of the global management of human resources. It has a period of application from the date established in its disclosure until its modifications, improvements or updates.

Confidentiality and Distribution

As it is an intellectual property document of the institution, the collaborators must keep the corresponding confidentiality and use this document internally only.


Salary review

1. Annually the compensation and benefits area will carry out the salary analysis in comparison with the market and adjustments will be made to the salary bands in order to maintain external competitiveness.

2. The responsible area, together with the global finance and human resources department, will authorize the salary review and adjustment process, in accordance with the results context of each entity.

3. Salary increases generated by an exceptional review that responds to the needs of the organization at a certain time will be called off-cycle increases and must be approved by the global human resources department.

4. Proposals for increases must be aligned with the matrix of maximum increases in force for the country where each legal entity is located. The issuance of said matrix will be the responsibility of the global compensation, benefits and payroll management and will be validated annually.

5. Legal entities will respect and apply the increases by law and conventional agreements approved in each country where they have operations, with the prior approval of the global human resources department.

6. The local human resources management will evaluate if the proposed increases:

  • They are in accordance with current local salary policies.
  • In joint review with the local finance management and validation of the global finance department, if the final amount is within the expected range of increased spending.

7. Increases for promotion or promotion will have a maximum limit, defined in the matrix of maximum increases in force, taking into account the situation in each country and the financial results of each entity.

8. In exceptional cases of promotion or promotion, increases may be made in two or more sections during the year up to a limit determined by the global human resources department.

9. Salary increases must be reflected in the approved budget for the current year.

10. The global compensation, benefits and payroll management validates compliance with the salary compensation policies before processing the information and returns to the legal entity if there is any inconsistency or non-compliance.

11. Exceptions to the rules described above must be authorized by the global human resources department, the global finance department and the local general management.

Job evaluation

1. All legally constituted entities must have a job structure that allows equal distribution of salaries.

2. On a regular basis, the compensation, benefits and payroll management will coordinate with the local human resources management of each entity the stages of the updating process of job descriptions and valuation.

3. Job descriptions will be the responsibility of the local human resources area of each entity.

4. The local human resources management must consolidate and validate with direct managers that the information recorded in the job descriptions is current.

5. The compensation and benefits area of the global human resources department will evaluate the positions under the methodology adopted by the company.

6. To avoid inaccuracies, a position that does not have a job description in the current format approved by the compensation and benefits area will not be assessed.

7. In the event that an unforeseen and important change arises in the functions and / or structure of a position, it is the responsibility of the person leading the area to communicate it to the local human resources management and the global human resources department so that it can be evaluated. the impact on the job structure.

8. For the analysis and design of compensation plans or structures, salary information from the general market will be taken, as well as from the sector in which the company operates.

9. The assignment of a certain comparison percentile to establish the salary band of a position will be made taking into account the scope (global, regional or local), salary grade and segment (front office or back office) to which it belongs.

Deetken Impact

Suite 500 – 210 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 3W2

+1 (604) 731-4424 ext. 110


Pro Mujer

1129 Northern Blvd #404
Manhasset, NY 11030

+1 (646) 626-7000


This toolbox is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of Contract No. AID OAA-C-17-00090. The contents of this toolkit are the sole responsibility of Deetken Impact and Pro Mujer and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.