Lens 2
Tool 2.
Staff induction policy
During the induction, the new staff will become familiar with the culture and processes of the company, so it represents a key moment for them to also learn about the organization’s commitment to gender equality, the co-responsibility measures between working life and personal life, reporting mechanisms in the event of discrimination or workplace violence, as well as all those practices that help identify that you are joining a company where gender equality is an essential part of the operation.
This tool consists of a model induction policy for male and female employees, which companies can adapt according to their needs.
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Tool 2.
Staff induction policy goals
Welcome the new collaborators of the organization and share the organizational culture from day one so that they can experience and transmit it.
Our collaborators are responsible that acting is a reflection of our principles, always aware of our commitment to equity, to guarantee a workplace that favors equal opportunities for all staff:
- We believe that gender equality is a fundamental human right and that women must participate equally in all areas of society.
- We view women as formidable agents for positive change and recognize their creative potential to generate value and prosperity in their families, communities and economies.
- Our imperative is to continuously identify and provide solutions, based on a deep understanding of needs.
- We consider our human capital to be one of our most important resources. We strive to foster a purposeful work environment so that the most motivated staff can excel. We value collaboration and responsibility and reward results.
- We believe that our success depends on the collective diligence of our entire team, our partners, and the women we serve.
- We rely on alliances with strategic partners to take advantage of complementary resources and we work collaboratively to expand our presence and impact.
- We are a social enterprise driven by a mission that harnesses the power of innovation so that transformative and sustainable ideas have a greater reach.
Specific goals and reach
Identify the collaborators with the organization so that they know and integrate with their work team.
Ensure support for new staff so that they understand and convey the vision, mission and mandate of the organization.
Provide specific information about the position and accompany the learning process in their new role, providing tools to facilitate the Induction process for all staff alike.
Set performance expectations and expected results.
Generate a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization by sharing the code of ethics that includes the manifesto of equality at all levels.
Disseminate the organization’s commitment to gender equality to create a work environment where staff can develop comprehensively in an environment free of discrimination and violence in all areas.
This document applies to new collaborators and to all personnel who have a change of role within the organization.
General Notes
The development of the induction program will be in charge of the human resources area, as part of its processes, however the leaders and guides of the areas play a very important role in the learning and adaptation period of the new personnel.
— Those who enter must receive the induction no later than 7 business days after the date of their hiring. In the case of small groups, human resources may have a suitable date within the first month to generate a group larger than three people and start the induction process.
— Each stage of the induction process will be composed of activities that are intended to put into practice the stages contained in the induction process and raise awareness about the importance of a workplace free of discrimination, harassment and sexual or occupational harassment in all levels.
— Those who enter as a substitute will be exempted from the program if the period for which they are hired is less than 3 continuous months. In the same way, the leader will establish the guidance and orientation that is required.
— In order to avoid practices that may affect the normal development or the objectives of this process, it is recommended to take into account the following:
— Personnel must be provided with information relevant to the function and their knowledge of the organization, to guarantee a workplace where well-being and practices free of discrimination, sexual harassment, and violence are favored.
— It is recommended to submit the main instructions for the function in writing.
All communication and information provided during the induction process must promote messages with inclusive and non-sexist language, without gender stereotypes or discrimination, recognize the work of women and promote a positive image of their contribution to society.
In the induction process the following information will be provided:
1. History, vision, mission and mandate of the organization.
2. Information pertinent to the business area to which it will belong.
3. Information from the support areas.
4. Presentation of the code of ethics, which includes information regarding the company’s gender equality manifesto.
5. Training on the different initiatives related to gender equality in the company.
6. Information on measures that promote gender equality in professional development: training, co-responsibility, equal pay, leadership programs for women.
7. Inclusive communication guide.
8. Protocols to prevent and report workplace violence, including sexual harassment and harassment.
9. Information on certifications or seals on gender equality, if available.
An induction program that considers the gender approach, in addition to these elements, must include basic training on gender equality in the company’s area of competence. A course developed specifically by the organization can be offered or served through online courses whose content meets the knowledge needs of the industry.
This section defines the positions and areas responsible for carrying out each instance of the induction process.
Functional area leaders
— Ensure compliance with the induction plan.
— Define the specific induction plan for new collaborators entering their respective areas.
— Officially welcome you to the team, relying on the various tools that human resources will share with you.
— Complete the instructions together, using the welcome kit.
— Prepare for the induction process.
— Appointment of a person from the area to carry out the specific induction program (guide).
— Monitoring of compliance with the specific induction plan and regulatory courses.
— Feedback and work plan to cover specific induction gaps.
Local human resources area
— Carry out face-to-face or digital institutional induction, as the case may be.
— Ensure that leaders are prepared and have the necessary tools for the new entry.
— Coordinate visits to the designated branch to learn about the business.
— Monitor compliance with specific induction plans and take the necessary actions to carry them out.
— Collection of feedback on the program from new collaborators through the induction satisfaction survey.
— Report indicators of satisfaction and compliance with the induction process.
Global attraction and development management
— Definition of the global induction strategy.
— Ensure the monitoring of the updating of resources for the Induction program.
— Follow up on compliance with the face-to-face, digital and specific induction plan at a global level.
— Follow up and train local Human Resources teams to better implement the program in each of the countries.
— Report indicators of satisfaction and compliance with the induction process.
Global Human Resources Directorate
— Give feedback on the induction strategy.
— Employees and new employees
— Actively participate in the induction process and comply with regulatory courses.