Gender Lens 2

Equality in the Workplace

Companies have the responsibility to maintain violence and discrimination free environments, with equal opportunities and treatment, and can contribute significantly to the redistribution of domestic and care work that women perform on a daily basis. Implementing actions of co-responsibility to help balance work life and personal life. Taking into account the diversity of households, encouraging the professional trajectory of their employees, not punishing them for the time spent on maternity leave and care, not extending the working hours outside the hours previously established, offer breastfeeding rooms and granting longer and non-transferable paternity leave are practices that establish a ground floor to recognize unpaid work and favor its equal distribution, with which It contributes to removing the barriers that women face to enter and remain in the labor market.


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Equality in the Workplace

Toolbox Introduction

This lens presents actions in favor of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, which seek to improve the work environment through the implementation of strategies that promote the participation of women at all levels and areas of the organization, equal pay, co-responsibility work life/personal life and the analysis of possible inequality gaps within the company.

It is made up of the following tools:

  1. Guide to promote gender equality and diversity in organizational culture
  2. Staff induction policy
  3. Compensation and benefits policy
  4. Telework policy
  5. Wellness wheel
  6. Analysis of gender gaps in talent management

Guide to promote gender equality and diversity in organizational culture

Staff induction policy

Compensation and benefits policy

Telework policy

Wellness wheel

Analysis of gender gaps in talent management

Deetken Impact

Suite 500 – 210 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 3W2

+1 (604) 731-4424 ext. 110

Pro Mujer

1129 Northern Blvd #404
Manhasset, NY 11030

+1 (646) 626-7000

This toolbox is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of Contract No. AID OAA-C-17-00090. The contents of this toolkit are the sole responsibility of Deetken Impact and Pro Mujer and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Deetken Impact

Suite 500 – 210 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 3W2

+1 (604) 731-4424 ext. 110

Pro Mujer

1129 Northern Blvd. Suite 404
Manhasset, NY 11030, USA

+1 (646) 626-7000