Lens 1

Tool 5.

 Manifesto for gender equality

This tool seeks to offer the boards of directors (boards of directors) of the companies a model of corporate pronouncement, through which they can formally communicate the commitment to achieve gender equality and the incorporation of the gender approach in management. business. The manifesto is intended to exemplify a way in which engagement can extend both within and outside of the organization.


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Tool 5.

 Manifesto for gender equality

With the approval of this model, companies will be able to formalize a first strategic step to address the issue in a transversal manner and constitute the commitment to achieve equality as a value of the organization and, therefore, one of the pillars of their culture.

The use of this tool subsequently supposes to strategically actuate the commitments contained herein, to support them and make them tangible, in such a way that it allows evaluating and demonstrating their results. Which will also give credibility and authenticity to the commitments made.


It is suggested, before using this tool, to review tool 4, action plan for gender equality, described in lens 1, to facilitate the planning, development and implementation of the different actions necessary to make the commitments assumed in this statement effective

The manifesto model for gender equality is a proposal that contains general guidelines, which are recommended to be adapted and complemented by each company according to the elements they require or taking into account their mission, vision and objectives.

Manifesto for gender equality

Our Commitment

We recognize as an essential value of our corporate strategy to achieve gender equality and develop an inclusive organizational culture, to guarantee the competitiveness and sustainability of the business.

We want to communicate our commitment to meeting Sustainable Development Goal 5, as a reference framework to achieve gender equality in the company. 

Our commitment extends to all the interest groups of the company, and translates into the will to carry out significant, concrete actions of a transversal nature to the organization.

To this end, the company creates a favorable environment to promote gender equality in all company procedures, policies, procedures and practices, including those of this same body, and formulates an action plan for their implementation, as well as an evaluation, reporting and measurement system.

Our commitment extends to four fundamental areas, in which we assume specific and measurable objectives: 


Women in leadership

  1. Promote equal participation of women and men in company decision-making, from the board of directors and at all levels and areas.
  2. Contribute to the individual and collective empowerment of women, because we consider it to be an essential condition for achieving gender equality and sustainable development.
  3. Provide training to personnel in the promotion of gender equality and the eradication of violence.
  4. Establish talent development and promotion programs. 


Equality in the workplace

  1. Promote equal opportunities and treatment established in the laws in force in the country and international conventions ratified by it.
  2. Foster an inclusive work environment, guided by mutual respect, openness, honesty and a spirit of trust and cooperation, in order to achieve maximum productivity, creativity and efficiency.
  3. Guarantee that the men and women of the company receive the same remuneration and benefits for work of equal or equal value.
  4. Guarantee the balance between work life and personal life of the employees as a whole, implementing co-responsibility measures that recognize the diversity of homes and families.
  5. Prevent and end harassment and violence in the workplace, including sexual harassment and harassment.


Products and services that benefit women and girls

  1. Use an inclusive and non-sexist language in communications, and as a transversal axis in the company.
  2. Encourage the creation, development and commercialization of products and services with a gender perspective.
  3. Know the context and inequalities experienced by women and girls to develop products or services according to their needs, interests and expectations.
  4. Contribute to reducing gaps between women and men through the company’s products or services.


Equality in the value chain and advocacy practices

  1. Articulate with the company’s value and supply chains, with a focus on supplier companies and customers, so that they adhere to the commitment to achieve gender equality.
  2. Collaborate with the community of the territory where the company operates to reduce the gender gap.
  3. Collaborate, whenever possible, with key actors such as civil society, government and international organizations to promote gender equality. 

We are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with our staff, shareholders and other stakeholders to ensure that we continue to meet expectations and remain true to our values.

With our differences, together we succeed.

The board of directors

This manifesto requires the execution of actions that put into practice the commitments assumed. The application of the measures on gender equality is a journey in time in which the results are evaluated and adapted to later perfect the actions.


  • Communicate the commitment made to all staff.
  • Assign resources and people responsible for executing the actions.
  • Train and raise awareness about the commitments assumed in each of the axes mentioned in the manifest model (and those that the company suggests adding) to staff and stakeholders.
  • Define the strategy and action plan to execute, through programs and policies, the actions or practices that promote gender equality.
  • Set specific and measurable objectives on the commitment assumed in the different axes.
  • Establish the way to evaluate these objectives, their way of management and monitoring.
  • Establish metrics to evaluate whether the defined objectives were met.
  • Create communication channels to publicize actions with a gender perspective that are carried out inside and outside the company.

It is essential to review the manifesto periodically to adapt and respond to changes and dynamism in practices to incorporate the gender approach and the needs of the company at a given time.

Deetken Impact

Suite 500 – 210 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 3W2

+1 (604) 731-4424 ext. 110


Pro Mujer

1129 Northern Blvd #404
Manhasset, NY 11030

+1 (646) 626-7000


This toolbox is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of Contract No. AID OAA-C-17-00090. The contents of this toolkit are the sole responsibility of Deetken Impact and Pro Mujer and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.