We are thrilled that the Ilu Women’s Empowerment Fund has been recognized in the first edition of the Inter-American Award for Good Practices in Women’s Leadership. The Fund received a Special Mention in the category “Private initiatives women’s leadership in the business sphere”.

This call sought to recognize, highlight and amplify public and private sector initiatives that promote an increase in the number of women in leadership positions and/or strengthen their empowerment and advocacy capacity in decision-making. 

Out of the 110 participating initiatives and 28 women who were nominated, the Advisory Committee assessed the commitment to women’s leadership through investment in job opportunities for women and their professional and business growth, as well as the creation of inclusive, egalitarian and violence-free work environments. Pro Mujer CEO Carmen Correa attended the award ceremony in Los Angeles alongside leaders of a diversity of of private sector initiatives.

The Ilu Women’s Empowerment Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of high-impact companies that promote women in leadership and governance, products and services that meet the needs of women and girls, value chains with a gender perspective, and labor equity, with an emphasis on economic empowerment and entrepreneurship for women.  With the support of USAID, the Ilu Women’s Empowerment Program was born, an initiative that addressed key barriers to the adoption of gender-smart investing and business practices in Latin America and the Caribbean through a three-pronged approach of gender technical assistance to portfolio companies, fundraising of blended finance capital, and knowledge dissemination and advocacy.

Learn more about the awards at https://www.oas.org/en/taskforcewomenleadership/initiatives/inter-american-award.asp

Learn more about the Ilu Women’s Empowerment Program’s impact, and download the reports and technical assistance case studies at https://iluwomensempowermentfund.com/impact/